The Tri-X Chronicles book

Some of the images from this Web site (and others that aren’t) are in my 1972 book of photographs, The Tri-X Cnronicles. I have a few hundred copies left that I want to find homes for. So, for the price of a mailer and postage, I will send you one ($3.65). Or two ($4.10). Send via PayPal to naturalbornwriter (the symbol for “at”) This offer is good only within the United States and books will be mailed via the Postal Service’s Media Mail.
There is some nudity in the book and after 40 years of being stored in multiple locations the books have acquired a slight mustiness.
This is a paperback book in black and white, approximately 8.5” x 11”, with 60 pages containing 79 photos.
On Amazon and several second-hand bookselling sites the book is selling for $15 and up.
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